
March 31, 2008 at 4:17 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , )

In the last few months, we’ve been wrestling with some very thought provoking questions that have helped me, so I thought I’d pass them on. Here they are…

What is the toughest choice you currently need to make in your ministry?  You will be miserable until you do it, keeping your ministry from growing and developing into this vision you feel like He has given you.    

Am I being who God made me to be, or am I trying to be _____(fill in the blank)_____? There is already a Rob Bell, a Erwin McManus, a Francis Chan, a Louie Giglio, and the list goes on of people we admire.  We aren’t them, so why would we want to sell Him short on what He has in mind for us?  

What do you feel like you are truly the best at, and how much of your energy do you use to focus on that area?  You are either doing a great job in that area, or you have a lot of areas that are probably doing alright.

What are the biggest risks you’ve recently taken?  If you constantly succeeded and haven’t failed recently, then the risks must have not been that great.

Are you willing to endure pain to help your ministry continue to grow?  Because if you don’t do something about it, it will become stagnant and increasingly frustrating to you.

If you can wrestle through these questions your ministry will forever change.


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